Fiktionaler Blick auf Jüdinnen im Exil

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Fanny hurry. We’ve got to go!
The bath isn’t only yours,
We meet in two in front the door.
Veit, you’re up next. Set games aside,
do your bed-
Oh child, you still got work for school to do?
I cut you some slack, get it settled,
We lift in a few seconds.
Next up front, Care-taking is due.
Hermann? Still depressed?
Not able to work.
A Schlamassel, Liegst bald dich fest.
Pain? What else left to feel?
At least the more it hurts,
the more you’ll know it’s real.

My fingers burn
by running needles;
take a sip and sit up straight,
this badge is crucial
to make ends meet.
Please wait, I gotta send this straight
to the news.
There must be someone left I knew…

Be so kind,
If we can find,- if it’s just a few,
our little ones may see the past
and keep the future.
My mum once said:
Afile der raykhster zeyger hot nit mer vi zekhtsik minut.
and she was right, daytime is fading,
but work is not.
A language skill won’t drop
out of heaven above.

resting is barely achievable
again females like me kit what’s left.
Is it our duty?